Friday, May 9, 2008

moslems are girlicious 2,my girl friend sylvia saids so

Girlicious take trashy to a whole new level
They shouldn't be offended if people start calling them trashy s***s
Oh Girlicious, I love you. I do. I didn't think I would the day I tuned into your reality show, The Pussycat Dolls Present Girlicious, because it seemed like it was ALWAYS ON and was almost IMPOSSIBLE TO ESCAPE. I thought I would laugh in a self righteous, superior manner, roll my eyes at the stupid things that came out of your idiot mouths and cringe at your trashy outfits.
See what all the fuss is about

But the joke was on me because, while I did do all those things, I also found myself infatuated and before I knew it I was hooked. I hated Nathalie for the catty things she said until I realized that even if she is wildly conceited she is actually very sweet and I empathized with Ilisa's feelings of isolation from the other girls. We had good times. Like the time you all sat around working out your differences so you could better function as a group but Charlye refused to participate? That was a good time. Oh, what a wild ride it was!
So, I want you to do well. Honestly. But I wonder if maybe you shouldn't put just a few more clothes on. Because you girls are TRASHY! I'm not easily shocked -- just ask anyone who knows me -- but even I think you might want to tone it down, considering that a large part of your target demographic is under 12-years-old.
I know this because on Episode Number 3, 'Charisma', you performed in front of and were judged by what Robin Antin called your 'key demographic', a group that included girls who looked like they were as young as seven or eight. Continued...